
Movin' for Mental Health Awareness

It is Mental Health Awareness Week and our head office team are enjoying raising awareness and embracing this year’s theme – ‘Moving more for mental health’.

We kicked off the week with a bake sale in aid of Mind, for better mental health. The team enjoyed taking some time away from their desks and checking in with colleagues over a slice of homemade cake.

Today is ‘Wear it Green Day’. Our Health and Safety Manager Kevin took us through a wonderful Tai Chi Chi Kung class in the gardens outside our offices, overlooking the beautiful Kent countryside.

Mental Health Awareness is a key priority for us as a company this year. Our Wellness Committee are working hard to
- encourage open conversations about mental health and checking in with colleagues
- engage our workforce to be in touch with their own health
- equip our well-trained staff with plenty of MH First Aiders
- ensure signposting for further support is promoted and accessible